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Chapelon NORD Pacific - Flèche d 'Or from Calais to Paris with some extra sleepers for beyond Paris
Fulgurex Chapelon NORD pacific and J&M Fleche d'Or (Golden Arrow) coaches gauge 1 in the garden
Flèche d'Or de Paris a Londres en écartement 0 - Golden Arrow from Paris to London in O Gauge
PLM Pacific on the NORD Railway with the Fleche d'Or in Gauge 1
Côte d'Azur Pullman + Flèche d'Or
An all metal nicely detailed CIWL Dining car with exceptionally beautiful interior in 0 gauge
La flèche d'or en 1949 et en 2021 au jardin avec le remarquable wagon à bagages
Chapelon 1er
This are two French Hornby "Etoile du Nord" Train Sets
Treno Tuttoletti con una Locomotiva a Vapore - Italian steam train with CIWL sleeping cars
Départ de la "flèche d'or"